Marketing Trends for Summer 2018

Marketing Trends for Summer 2018

Spring has sprung and before we know it summer will be upon us.

Gearing your business set up for success this summer is much like getting yourself beach body ready – the effort and choices you put in now will be the deciding factor between success and failure.

Of course for some companies the summer is a natural opportunity to increase sales and generate more business. But even if you don’t sell summer-specific products and services you can still put in the work now to leverage key marketing trends and position your business for summer success.

Stay ahead of the pack

Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, are continuously updating their platforms and algorithms. It is vital that you or your digital lead keeps up to date with any changes to ensure that your digital marketing activity is top of page and front of mind.

If video isn’t part of your strategy going into the summer then you might as well not bother. Whatever platform you are using; there is nothing that resonates more that good video content. This is especially true of live videos – with live videos getting 3 times the views over recorded videos. With Facebook live, YouTube live, Instagram live, Twitter, and Periscope all available to you – make sure you are using the platforms as much as possible and driving engagement.

The art of influence

Social media influencers will continue to play an important, but changing role. Of course big names will have a role, but more and more brands are realising the impact microinfluencers can have. By microinfluencers we mean more niche individuals who may not have as big a reach but have deeper engagement rates with target audiences.

How you work with influencers is also important. Consumers don’t just want to be informed they want to be engaged both intellectually and emotionally. Interactive content that has impartial trusted experts or influencers engaging directly with audiences is a thousand times for useful that a talking head discussing your products or services.

For some these influencers could be customers, members of the community or even passionate employees who can become advocates and reflect the ethos of your brand.

Tell your story

Social media stories are another great way for your influencers and you to get your brand out there. Pioneered by Snapchat, the stories format has become a staple of the social media world with Instagram quickly following with Instagram Stories and now YouTube has release Reels a stories format of their own.

The great thing about stories is that they allow you to create content with a limited lifespan. This taps into people, especially millenials, fear of missing out and presents your business and brand through fun, bite-sized content. Make sure that stories are a key part of your social marketing strategy.

Virtual reality

Relatively new on the scene, virtual reality is set to get even more popular this year. Offering an immersive experience like no other, savvy brands would do well to tap into the engagement opportunities it offers. As you develop your video content try and include a bit of experimentation with virtual reality to see what your audiences respond best to.

Give them an experience

As consumers look to find more emotional reasons to engage with brands, experiential marketing will continue to play a big role. Using interactive and engaging events this summer will not only allow you to capture brand content it will also give you direct access to your target audiences.

The summer season with its festivals, fairs, sporting events and all things outdoor gives you the perfect opportunity to connect with new audiences or reconnect with a standout summer marketing campaign that reminds them who you are as a brand.

Now is the time to put in the research and work that will pay off in the summer, by utilising all the tools at your disposal and actually getting out there and engaging face-to-face with consumers and influencers you could set your self up for a sizzling summer of success.

Need some inspiration? Contact our creative team.


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