Video Production Process

Contact us for a quotation

1. Discovery call

If you are interested in hiring our experienced team and want a quote, provide us with as much detail as possible, and send your inquiry via email or call us +44 7904707204.

Depending on your location and availability. We can arrange a zoom video call with you or schedule a face-to-face meeting.

Our pricing starts at £5,000. We'll work with you to find an agreed budget range for what you want to capture.

We work with you to develop a solution.

2. Concept Creation. 

2.1 You provide an outline of the story. We provide creative outline proposals that align with your brand for review and discussion.

2.2 We can work with you to develop your idea for approval.

2.3 Client sign-off agreement (shot list) that provides you all the details and the cost involved. We will advise if the project is still within the agreed budget.

2.4 When you’re ready to get started. 50% downpayment is required and timescales will be determined at this stage.

We can include script writing with the quotation to assist with what you intend to capture.

Concept and Development Phase

3. Pre-production

3.1 Client's agreements signed before proceeding into pre-production

3.2 Storyboarding and shot list detailed for us to get started

3.3 We will source actors, set locations, and props required

3.4 Set design

If you are looking for drone video content. We will need to confirm what permissions are needed.

Let's roll the cameras

4. Production

4.1 Now that we have the road map developed in the pre-production stage, it’s time to put it all together in front of the cameras.

4.2 We'll arrive at the studio or on the set location. Plan and coordinate set design. Get rolling with kick-off with principle shooting. Actors & models are on set, the call sheets have been handed out. We'll schedule second unit shooting if required (shooting scenes without actors).

This is where our professional crew of director of photography, camera operators, sound engineers, and lighting techs do what they do best.

Preparing for the first draft

5. Post-Production

Our editorial post-production team kicks in to shape your story through the magic of editing. We'll handle colour-correction, record any voice overs, clean up the audio, add music and sound, create graphics/animations, and in general make sure your video looks exactly like we planned in pre-production.

It's at this stage that you will see the first cut.

6. First Draft Completed

We'll provide a first draft for your review and provide feedback.

If additional changes are required that are outside of the agreed outlined shot list. We'll provide a quote and a revised agreement before proceeding into scheduling any reshoots and re-edit.

Video content completed

7. Project Handover 

Upon final approval, the remaining balance is paid before delivery of video content.

After we have had your feedback, we'll bring our whole team together to give everything once over.

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